Spruce Pine NC is WET!!!

On March 10, 2009, Spruce Pine NC voters elected to get the town "Wet"!

It is now legal for alcohol to be sold within the city limits of Spruce Pine.  A total of 824 votes were cast in the election on alcohol and all four votes passed in the alcohol election by nearly 100 votes.

Malt Beverage on and off-site sales passed with 55.7 percent with 459 votes for and 365 against,  Unfortified wine on and off-site sales passed with 55.33 percent with 457 votes for and 369 against, mixed beverage on-site sales passed with 55.91 percent with 459 votes for and 362 against and an ABC Store passed with 55.27 percent with 456 votes for and 369 against.

"Once we get a copy of the certified vote, we're good to issue retail permits," said Mike Herring administrator of the North Carolina ABC commission.  A local ABC board consisting of three or five members will have to be selected by the Spruce Pine town council.  The local board will have the authority to buy, sell transport, and possess alcoholic beverages as necessary for the operation of the ABC store.  The Board will also hire employees for the ABC system, designate a manager of the store, buy or lease property for the store, and adopt rules for it's ABC system.

When a new permit is issued, Asheville ALE officers must inspect and approve the location and operation where alcohol will be sold. 

Exerpts from the Mitchell News Journal article by Joel Gerber on March 18, 2009

Spruce Pine may now finally move into the 21st Century! 

 As I told my friend, Millie Hudson, She got the Full Monty!  

personal comments by Jann Godwin

Posted in News.